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Module deriveImplicitRelations



Const deriveImplicitRelations

  • Derives implicit relations from defined equivalence classes and argument premise-conclusion-structures. This will not derive all logically derivable relations, but only those that directly result from equivalence classes being used as premises or main conclusions in arguments:

    Examples: if ec is used as premise in a: derives support of ec for a if ec is used as main conclusion in a: derives support of a for ec if ec attacks/supports a1 and is used as main conclusion in a2: derives attack/support of a2 for a1 if ec1 is contrary/contradictory to ec2, ec1 is used as premise in a1 and ec2 is used as main conclusion in a2: derives attacks of a2 against ec1 and a1.


    • member: RelationMember

      the relation member (argument, equivalence class, inference) for which the implicit relations should be derived

    • statementsMap: {}

      the statements field of the ArgdownResponse

    • argumentsMap: {}

      the arguments field of the ArgdownResponse

    Returns IRelation[]

    an array of derived implicit relations

Const transformToArgumentRelationType

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