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Interface IArgdownPlugin

A plugin that can be added to an ArgdownApplication with app.AddPlugin(plugin, processorId).

Can walk the Argdown AST by using tokenListeners and ruleListeners. Should use the run method for everything else.

Plugins should avoid keeping any local mutable state. Instead they should use the provided request object for configuration and the provided response object for returning any produced or transformed data. The only exceptions are I/O operations (e.g. loading or saving files).

See the guide on writing custom plugins for more information.


import {IArgdownRequest, IArgdownResponse, IArgdownPlugin, IRequestHandler, IRuleTokenHandler, ArgdownPluginError, RuleNames} from "@argdown/core";

export interface IGreetingSettings{
// We augment the request and response types from @argdown/core
// to add our plugin settings and data:
declare module "@argdown/core"{
 interface IArgdownRequest{
 interface IArgdownResponse{

export class GreetingPlugin implements IArgdownPlugin{
 name = "GreetingPlugin";
 prepare:IRequestHandler = (request, response)=>{
   // check if requirements are met
     throw new ArgdownPluginError(this.name, "No ast found in response.");
   // create default settings
     request.greeting = {};
   if(request.greeting.sayHello === undefined){
     request.greeting.sayHello = true;
 run:IRequestHandler = (request, response)=>{
   if(request.greeting && request.greeting.addHello){
     // adding data to response object
     response.greeting = "Hallo World!";
 ruleListeners = {
   [RuleNames.STATEMENT + "Entry"]: (request, response, node, parentNode, childIndex, logger)=>{
     // use the logger parameter instead of console.log
     logger.log("verbose", `Statement: ${node.statement.text}`);


  • IArgdownPlugin

Implemented by




name: string

The name of the plugin

Optional prepare

Called each time the plugin's processor is run, before any other method of this plugin is called. Use this to add default settings to the request and to check that all required data is present in the response. If not, throw an ArgdownPluginError to cancel the the current processor's execution.

Optional ruleListeners

ruleListeners: {}

A map of IRuleNode event listeners to be added to IArgdownPlugin.ruleListeners. You can use ruleListeners to visit every rule node in the Argdown AST.

The listeners will be called by the ArgdownTreeWalker event emitter before the run method and after the prepare method. The tree walker visits the nodes depth first and emits [RuleNames.RULE_NAME + "Entry"] and [RuleNames.RULE_NAME + "Exit"] events for every IRuleNode encountered.

The eventId has to be a RuleNames member plus either "Entry" or "Exit".

[RuleNames.RELATIONS + "Exit"]: ()=>...

Type declaration

Optional run

Use this method to do the main work outside of the Argdown AST. This is the last method to be called by the ArgdownApplication.

Optional tokenListeners

tokenListeners: {}

A map of ITokenNode event listeners. You can use tokenListeners to visit every token node in the Argdown abstract syntax tree.

The listeners will be called by the ArgdownTreeWalker event emitter before the run method and after the prepare method.

The tree walker visits the nodes depth first and emits [TokenNames.TOKEN_NAME] events for every ITokenNode encountered.

The eventId has to be a TokenNames member.

[TokenNames.STATEMENT_DEFINITION]: ()=>...

Type declaration

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