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Interface IArgdownResponse


  • IArgdownResponse



Optional arguments

arguments: {}

A dictionary of all arguments defined in the Argdown input. The keys are the argument titles. The values are [[Argument]] objects.

Provided by the ModelPlugin

Type declaration

Optional ast

The abstract syntax tree of the Argdown input. The tree consists of IRuleNode objects for every syntax rule applied. Each IRuleNode contains other IRuleNode objects or [[IArgdownToken]] objects as children.

Plugins can traverse the tree by defining IArgdownPlugin.tokenListeners and IArgdownPlugin.ruleListeners.

Provided by the ParserPlugin.

Optional dot

dot: string

Exported dot version of argument map

Provided by the DotExportPlugin

Optional exceptions

exceptions: Error[]

Errors thrown by plugins.

Provided by any plugin throwing an exception.

Optional frontMatter

frontMatter: any

Front matter meta data provided by the DataPlugin

Optional graphml

graphml: string

Exported dot version of argument map

Provided by the GraphMLExportPlugin

Optional groupCount

groupCount: number

Temporary counter for groups used by the DotExportPlugin

Optional highlightedSource

highlightedSource: string

Highlighted Argdown source code (powered by Prism.js)

Provided by the HighlightSourcePlugin

Optional html

html: string

Exported html

Provided by the HtmlExportPlugin

Optional htmlIds

htmlIds: null | {}

Temporary store of ids for the HtmlExportPlugin

Optional json

json: string

JSON data

Provided by the JSONExportPlugin

Optional lexerErrors

lexerErrors: ILexingError[]

Errors thrown by the lexer.

Provided by the ParserPlugin.

Optional map

map: IMap

Argument map data provided by the MapPlugin

Optional maxSectionLevel

maxSectionLevel: number

Optional parserErrors

parserErrors: IRecognitionException[]

Errors thrown by the parser.

Provided by the ParserPlugin.

Optional relations

relations: IRelation[]

A list of all relations defined in the Argdown input.

Provided by the ModelPlugin

Optional sections

sections: ISection[]

A tree structure of all sections defined in the Argdown input.

Provided by the ModelPlugin

Optional selection

selection: ISelection

Argument map data provided by the PreselectionPlugin and other plugins providing further selection methods.

Optional statements

statements: {}

A dictionary of all statement equivalence classes defined in the Argdown input. The keys are statement titles. The values are [[EquivalenceClass]] objects.

The actual [[Statement]] objects are stored in the [[EquivalenceClass.members]] array.

Provided by the ModelPlugin

Type declaration

Optional svg

svg: string

Exported svg

Provided by the [[DotToSvgExportPlugin]]

Optional tags

tags: {}

All tags used augmented by additional data

Provided by the ModelPlugin

Color is provided by the ColorPlugin

Type declaration

Optional tokens

tokens: IToken[]

The list of tokens produced by the Argdown lexer that was used to produce the abstract syntax tree.

Provided by the ParserPlugin.

Optional webComponent

webComponent: string

JSON data

Provided by the WebComponentExportPlugin

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