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  • IColorSettings



Optional argumentColors

argumentColors: {}

A dictionary mapping argument title to colors

Type declaration

  • [title: string]: string | number

Optional argumentFontColor

argumentFontColor: string

Color of text for argument nodes

Optional colorScheme

colorScheme: string | string[]

A custom color scheme

The color at index 0 will be used for untagged nodes. The color at index n + 1 will be used for the tag at tagsToColorize[n]

Optional colorizeByTag

colorizeByTag: boolean

Should arguments and statements be colorized by tag?

Optional colorizeGroupsByTag

colorizeGroupsByTag: boolean

Should group be colorized by tag?

Optional groupColorScheme

groupColorScheme: string[]

Color scheme for groups.

By default this will be applied by group level. Can also be used with colorizeGroupsByTags

Optional groupColors

groupColors: {}

A dictionary mapping group title to colors

Type declaration

  • [title: string]: string | number

Optional groupFontColor

groupFontColor: string

Color of text for group nodes

Optional ignoreColorData

ignoreColorData: boolean

Should colors defined in data elements be ignored?

Optional relationColors

relationColors: { attack?: string | number; contradictory?: string | number; contrary?: string | number; entails?: string | number; support?: string | number; undercut?: string | number }

colors of relation types

Type declaration

  • Optional attack?: string | number
  • Optional contradictory?: string | number
  • Optional contrary?: string | number
  • Optional entails?: string | number
  • Optional support?: string | number
  • Optional undercut?: string | number

Optional statementColors

statementColors: {}

A dictionary mapping statement title to colors

Type declaration

  • [title: string]: string | number

Optional statementFontColor

statementFontColor: string

Color of text for statement nodes

Optional tagColors

tagColors: {}

Can be used to explicitely set colors for specific sets

Type declaration

  • [tagName: string]: string | number | ITagData

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