# Release Notes 2019
# v1.3.0 (December 2019)
Changes in: @argdown/core, @argdown/node, @argdown/vscode, @argdown/sandbox, @argdown/codemirror-mode, @argdown/prism, docs
New package: ArgVu
This release fixes all currently open bugs, introduces ArgVu (opens new window), a font for Argdown, and configurable shortcodes (opens new window) for special characters like logical symbols or emojis.
# ArgVu
ArgVu (opens new window) is a free font that adds Argdown-specific font ligatures and glyphs to DejaVu Sans Mono (opens new window). You can configure VSCode so that it will only use ArgVu ligatures for Argdown files. For a feature list and installation instructions consult the font's README (opens new window).
# Shortcodes for logical symbols and emojis 😍
You can now use shortcodes like .A.
for ∀ or :happy:
for 😀 instead of having to copy and paste special unicode characters. Please read more about this feature in our guide on creating argument maps (opens new window).
If you install ArgVu and use its dlig
ligatures the shortcodes for logical symbols will be automatically displayed as their unicode counterparts (so :A: will look like ∀ and :<->: will look like ↔). It is just like magic!
# Bug fixes
- Multiple empty lines at end of file #132
- First line empty, second line comment #130
- Language server throws error messages in VS code #128
- Windows line feed (\r) in argdown cli prevents it from running on linux #121
- VS Code: language server does not work with unsaved files #89
# v1.2.0 (October 2019)
Changes in: @argdown/core, @argdown/node, @argdown/vscode, @argdown/sandbox, @argdown/language-server, docs
This is a small maintenance release that updates the packages dependencies, fixes the current bugs and improves the way linebreaks behave in statements and argument descriptions.
# Line breaks and empty spaces
Until now, line breaks were simply ignored by the parser. As @sbrugman pointed out in #117 (opens new window) the standard Markdown behaviour is that single line breaks in a paragraph are interpreted as empty spaces. Argdown will now behave in a similar way if
- the line break is not already preceded by an empty space
- the line break does not finish the statement text or argument description.
# Bug fixes
- Windows line feed (\r) in argdown cli prevents it from running on linux #121
- 3 *s cause problem #118
- Add support for implicit relation direction of undercut (_ instead of <_) #112
# Documentation
- error in installation instructions for @argdown/cli #120
- link to first example broken #115
- make docs more welcoming for users not familiar with argument maps #114
- Documentation: Broken Link to @argdown/cli Readme and API docs #108
# Other
- argdown-vscode: Update icons #122
# v1.1.0 (March 2019)
Changes in: @argdown/core, @argdown/node, @argdown/vscode, @argdown/sandbox, @argdown/language-server
This is a big release that extends the Argdown packages with a number of useful new features and configuration options like
- the new GraphML export for yEd,
- closable groups,
- support for rank assignment in dot,
- improved hover quick info in VSCode,
- a dark Argdown theme for VSCode
However by far the most effort was put into bug fixes and improvements in code quality and stability. Nearly all bug issues on Github are now closed and all three Argdown apps should have gotten better in handling invalid Argdown code.
# GraphML Export
Maps can now be exported to GraphML (opens new window). The exported maps can directly be used in the powerful and free yEd (opens new window) graph editor. This makes it now possible to completely customize the graph layout and design of the map.
The map in GraphML will not be layouted, all nodes have the same position. After the import in yEd you have to apply a graph layout (this only takes a few clicks).
# Closable Groups
A group can be closed now to hide all its children. This is useful to reduce complexity in huge maps.
# Usage with Data Flag:
-> <a2>
# A Closed Group {isClosed: true}
- <a2> {isInGroup: true}
+ <a3>
# Usage in Group Configuration:
The new group.sections
setting allows to define which sections are closed and which are not groups:
sections: {"A Closed Group": {isClosed: true}, "Just a Heading": {isGroup: false}}
# A Closed Group
<s1>: I am hidden.
-> [s2]
# Just a Heading
[s2]: I am free!
This allows to use headings as groups without "polluting" the Argdown document with data flags.
# Usage in Regroup Configuration:
regroup: [{
title: "first group",
statements: ["s1"], arguments: ["a1"],
children: [
title: "some other group",
isClosed: true,
arguments: ["a2"]
[s1]: I am a proud member of the first group
- <a1>: I am a proud member of the first group
- <a2>: The other group is much more exclusive!
<a3>: Who needs groups?
-> [s1]
# Ignoring Group Data flags
Group data flags can now be ignored by using group.ignoreIsGroup
and group.ignoreIsClosed
# Dot Configuration: Rank Assignment
For the Dot export and VizJs map you can now use the sameRank
option to declare that certain nodes should be at the same level in the layout (see this Stackoverflow question (opens new window) for an example).
# Usage of the sameRank
Setting in Dot Configuration
- {arguments: ["a1", "a2"], statements: ["s1", "s2"]}
- <a2>
+ <a3>
- [s2]
+ [s3]
# Usage of the rank
Property in Element Data
<a1> {rank: "r1"}
- <a2> {rank: "r1"}
+ <a3> {rank: "r2"}
[s1] {rank: "r1"}
- [s2] {rank: "r1"}
+ [s3] {rank: "r2"}
If you want to put nodes of different groups (clusters) into the same rank, you might want to try the newrank
graphviz setting (opens new window):
newrank: true
# New Rank Test
## Heading 1
<a1> {rank: "r1"}
- <a2> {rank: "r1"}
+ <a3> {rank: "r2"}
-> [s1]
## Heading 2
[s1] {rank: "r1"}
- [s2] {rank: "r1"}
+ [s3] {rank: "r2"}
See this Stackoverflow question (opens new window) for more information.
# VizJs Configuration: Layout Engines
VizJs can now be configured to use any of its layout engines (opens new window):
- circo
- dot (default)
- fdp
- neato
- osage
- twopi
At the moment this will not work on https:argdown.org/changes as the documentation still has to use an outdated VizJs version for technical reasons. If you want to try it out, copy the code below into the browser sandbox or into VSCode.
engine: circo
- <a2>
+ <a3>
- <a6>
- <a7>
- <a8>
- <a4>
+ <a5>
- <a9>
- <a10>
- <a11>
# Dot/VizJs/Dagre Configuration: Changing the Node Width
The dot export/VizJs map and Dagre map now support two methods of changing the node width.
In both cases the Argdown app has to add line breaks to the node labels to force a certain node width. The node width is changed by customizing the method by which the line breaks are added.
# The charactersInLine
By default a line break is added after a certain maximum number of characters (respecting word boundaries). This behaviour is customized by using the charactersInLine
setting. This simple method is fast and works surprisingly well in practice.
Here is an example of customizing the dot export with different charactersInLine
settings for groups, arguments and nodes:
charactersInLine: 1000
minWidth: 0
charactersInLine: 12
charactersInLine: 12
minWidth: 0
charactersInLine: 30
charactersInLine: 30
# A group with a very very very long title that does not contain a line break even though it is really long
[A statement with a long title]: This statement states that it is a long statement, longer than many many other claims commonly used in a debate.
- <An argument with a long title>: A description that goes on for a while and does not stop too soon. Here is another sentence. And another one.
Note that you have to define separate charactersInLine
settings for the title labels and text labels of argument and statement nodes. This is necessary because you can also use different font sizes for them, so you might want to set charactersInLine
lower if the font size is larger.
# The measureLineWidth
Alternatively, you can try a more exact and slower method by turning on measureLineWidth
. In this case the actual pixel width of each word is measured and a line break is added after a certain maximum number of pixels (once again respecting word boundaries).
This behaviour is customized by using the lineWidth
setting. Here is an example of turning on and customizing measureLineWidth
for the VizJs map:
measureLineWidth: true
lineWidth: 1000
lineWidth: 80
minWidth: 0
lineWidth: 220
minWidth: 0
# A group with a very very very long title that does not contain a line break even though it is really long
[A statement with a long title]: This statement states that it is a long statement, longer than many many other claims commonly used in a debate.
- <An argument with a long title>: A description that goes on for a while and does not stop too soon. Here is another sentence. And another one.
In this case there are no separate settings for title and text as the line width is measured by taking different font sizes into account.
For the text measurement we use the string-pixel-width (opens new window) library to be able to measure text outside of the browser. Please note that the library only supports measuring a limited number of fonts, so this option might not work with your font. Please consult the library's Readme (opens new window) for further information.
# Dot Configuration: Using minWidth
to Set a Uniform Minimum Node Width
In the dot export (and the VizJs map by extension) the minWidth
property will be used as a minimum node width. If minWidth = 0
the default GraphViz behaviour will be used, which means that the node width is set to maxLineWidthInLabel + horizontalMargin
. This is how nodes widths were determined before in the Argdown VizJs map. This behaviour saves space, but it has the downside that nodes have different widths, depending on their label content. This lack of uniformity might make the map look messy.
In the new version, Argdown sets the minWidth for argument and statement nodes by default to 180
which means that the node width is now set to max(180, maxLineWidthInLabel) + horizontalMargin
. If you want the old behaviour back, you have to set minWidth
to 0.
Here is the new default behaviour:
- <A veeeeeeeery long title>
Here is how you get the old default behaviour back:
minWidth: 0
- <A veeeeeeeery long title>
# Dot Configuration: Setting Margins for Nodes and Groups
You can now use the margin
dot setting to customize the sizing of statements, arguments and groups in dot (and the VizJs map):
argumentLabelMode: title
minWidth: 0
margin: "0.8, 0"
minWidth: 0
margin: "0, 0.8"
margin: "80"
# A group
[s1]: A statement
- <argument>: An argument
# GraphML Configuration: Node Size
Because the GraphML export is not used in a live preview, performance is not as important so it always uses the line measurement method.
In contrast to the Dot export and the Dagre map, node width can be set directly. Together with the horizontalPadding
setting it determines the node's line width.
Here are the node size configuration options for GraphML:
width: 100
horizontalPadding: 20
verticalPadding: 10
width: 150
horizontalPadding: 20
verticalPadding: 10
horizontalPadding: 20
verticalPadding: 20
# Dot/GraphML/Dagre Configuration: Font Style
Font size, font and boldness of text in the Dot/GraphML exports and VizJs/Dagre maps can now be customized for groups, arguments and statements:
fontSize: 25
font: impact
bold: true
fontSize: 14
bold: true
font: impact
font: times new roman
fontSize: 12
fontSize: 16
bold: true
font: impact
font: times new roman
fontSize: 12
[Statement]: Some text
- <Argument>: Some text
Please note that VizJs only supports a small number of fonts (opens new window) and the same is true for the library that is used for text width measurement.
# Color configuration: Custom Relation & Edge Colors
Relation colors can now be customized. Here is how you can turn all attack edges in your map pink:
attack: "#FFC0CB"
- <a2>
- <a3>
# HTML Export: Creating a Header From Document Metadata
The HTML export now uses frontmatter metadata to create a document header with a title and optionally a subtitle, authors, date and abstract:
title: A Document with a Header
subTitle: Having Fun With HTML
author: Christian Voigt
# if there are several authors you can use an array:
# author: ["Christian Voigt", "Gregor Betz"]
date: 14/3/2019
abstract: >
Demonstrating the use
of document meta data
in the HTML export
If you want to define metadata, but not generate a HTML header section, you can deactivate this feature in the html settings:
title: A Document Without a Header
author: Christian Voigt
createHeaderFromMetadata: false
# PDF Export Configuration
The PDF export for the VizJs map is now fixed. The size and padding of the pdf can now be changed. The map will be scaled accordingly.
width: 800
height: 600
padding: 20
For VSCode users: please note that only the currently visible part of the map will be visible in the pdf file. If you have zoomed in, some parts of the map will be cut off. Reload the map to make all nodes visible again and then export to pdf without zooming.
# Dot Configuration: mapBgColor
To support VSCode dark themes the VizJs map's background color is now set to transparent
. You can change the background color with the mapBgColor
Here is how you turn your VizJs map background pink:
mapBgColor: "#FFC0CB"
+ <a1>
- <a2>
- <a3>
# Changes in Section Assignment
The behaviour of the section assignment has slightly changed: If an equivalence class has no definition and an argument has no definition and no premise-conclusion-structure the section of their first reference is assigned to them:
# A section
[A statement without definition]
# Another section
[A statement without definition]
- <An argument without definition>
Previoulsy no section was assigned in these cases.
# VSCode: New Themes
The VSCode Argdown extension now comes with two themes:
- Argdown Light, based on the default light theme
- Argdown Dark, based on the default dark theme
Additionally the extension's README now contains instructions how to use any VSCode theme with Argdown by adding custom token colors to your VSCode configuration.
The Argdown preview will now also use your current theme's colors for its styles, so that the extension will be seamlessly integrated into VSCode.
# VSCode: Hover Quick Info
Hovering with the mouse over statement and argument titles will show an improved quick info view that will show explicit and now also implicit relations that can be derived from equivalence classes and premise-conclusion-structures.
# VSCode: Persistent Preview
The Argdown preview will now serialize its state and recreate it on VSCode restarts, allowing you to continue work where you left off. This also applies to its zoom state.
# Minor changes
- @argdown/vscode: added argdown.preview.minUpdateDelay setting so that the user can increase the delay between preview updates if performance is an issue
- @argdown/core: simple configuration data sanitization system for better stability in previews if configuration is invalid
- @argdown/core: checkResponseInputFields helper for easier response validation in plugins
- @argdown/core: added error code to plugin exceptions for easier testing of exceptions handling
- @argdown/language-server: increased general stability (exception handling)
- @argdown/sandbox: increased general stability of preview (catching exceptions), VizJs is now automatically reinstantiated if rendering fails
- @argdown/vscode: now uses Viz.Js inside the webview, hopefully improving performance
- @argdown/sandbox: now uses a web worker for the VizJsMap that should improve performance
- @argdown/map-views: refactoring of map views, changed Dagre labels from foreign-objects to pure svg to avoid browser bugs
- @argdown/vscode: using @argdown/map-views now, sharing code with @argdown/sandbox
- @argdown/sandbox: using @argdown/map-views now, sharing code with @argdown/vscode
- @argdown/core now exports deriveImplicitRelations helper for getting inferences derivable from pcs (used in hover provider of language server).
- @argdown/core now exports jsonReplacer and stringifyArgdownData for stringifying Argdown data.
- @argdown/sandbox removed settings view (as all configuration should be done via frontmatter)
- updated all dependencies
- @argdown/core (and others): replaced dependency on lodash with dependencies on single lodash functions
# Breaking changes
- Process order: Map colorization now happens in the ColorPlugin, so it needs to be run after the MapPlugin
- renamed dotToSvg to vizJs settings
- removed some cli options in favor of configuration through config file or frontmatter section (see cli help for remaining options)
- VizJsMap now uses the external full.render.js that can be used as a web worker. This file should not be processed by a bundler and has to be made accessible to the map view.
- DotToSvgPlugin runs now asynchronous (using app.run instead of app.runAsync will not run it)
# Bug fixes
- #106 vizjs map can not handle untitled arguments
- #104 Extension host stops in VSCODE
- #103 @argdown/sandbox: dagre nodes twice too large in Chrome
- #99 @argdown/codemirror-mode: highlighting of indented inferences
- #97 Language Server should not send parser errors to log
- #90 argdown-vscode: improve quick info on hover
- #87 Incorrect arrows with: isInMap: false and mode:strict bug
- #82 html export: improve anchor link behavior
- #57 redundant edges in map
- #51 pdf export: map is cut off
# Older releases
For the release notes of 2018 visit this page (opens new window).