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Interface IArgdownRequest




Optional abstract

abstract: string

Optional author

author: string | string[]

Optional color

Settings for colorization

Optional data

Settings for the DataPlugin

Optional date

date: string

Optional dot

Settings for the DotExportPlugin

Optional graphml

Settings for the GraphMLExportPlugin

Optional group

Optional html

Settings for the HtmlExportPlugin

Optional images

Settings for the MapPlugin

Optional input

input: string

The Argdown input that should be parsed.

Optional json

Settings for the JSONExportPlugin

Optional logExceptions

logExceptions: boolean

Should exceptions thrown by plugins be logged?

Optional logLevel

logLevel: string

Set to "verbose" to get a lot of infos.

Optional logger

Optional map

Settings for the MapPlugin

Optional model

Settings for the ModelPlugin

Optional parser

parser: IParserPluginSettings

Settings of the parser plugin. The parser plugin executes parser and lexer.

Optional process

process: string | string[]

If an array is used: the processors that should be executed in order by the ArgdownApplication during the current run.

If a string is used: the name of the process to be found in IArgdownRequest.processes. ArgdownApplication will then try to run the processors defined in that process.

Optional processes

processes: {}

A dictionary of processes that can be run by using run({process: "processName", input: ..., processes: ...}).

Keys are the process names, values are IProcess objects.

Type declaration

Optional selection

selection: ISelectionSettings

Settings for the PreselectionPlugin

Optional sourceHighlighter

sourceHighlighter: IHighlightSourceSettings

Settings for the WebComponentExportPlugin

Optional subTitle

subTitle: string

Optional throwExceptions

throwExceptions: boolean

Should the application throw exceptions from plugins?

Optional title

title: string

Optional vizJs

Settings for any plugin using Viz.js, for example the [[DotToSvgExportPlugin]]

Optional webComponent

Settings for the WebComponentExportPlugin

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