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An ArgdownApplication chains together a collection of plugins, passing a request and response object between them. Each plugin uses configuration settings from the provided request object to produce or transform data saved in the provided response object. Without any plugins the ArgdownApplication will do nothing. Even the parsing and lexing of Argdown input is accomplished by the ParserPlugin.

Plugins are grouped into processors that will be executed after one another each time the run method is called. Which processors are executed in a run is determined by the request.process list.

For each processor ArgdownApplication will try to execute plugin methods in the following order:

  • any IArgdownPlugin.prepare methods: these methods can be used to add plugin default settings to the request and to check that all required data is present in the response object.
  • any event listeners defined in IArgdownPlugin.tokenListeners and IArgdownPlugin.ruleListeners. If any plugin in a processor defines such listeners, an ArgdownTreeWalker will be added to this processor which will visit all nodes in the abstract syntax tree (response.ast).
  • any IArgdownPlugin.run methods: these methods should be used to transform response data not contained within response.ast.

All plugin methods called by ArgdownApplication receive a request, response and logger object as parameters. In each of the three rounds the plugins are called in the order they were added to the processor.

Most runs will first have to call the ParserPlugin, DataPlugin, ModelPlugin and TagPlugin to add the basic Argdown data to the response object. This includes:

  • the AST
  • metaData contained in the front matter
  • statements and arguments dictionaries
  • the relations list
  • tag list and tagDictionary
  • the sections tree
  • metaData of arguments, statements and headings

Plugins are expected at the beginning of their prepare method to check for any missing required data in the response object. If required properties are missing, the plugin should throw an ArgdownPluginError. Throwing an error in any of the plugin methods called by ArgdownApplication will cancel the run of the current processor and skip to the next processor. All errors will be caught, collected and optionally logged by the ArgdownApplication.

Plugins should not keep any local mutable state. Instead they should use the request object for configuration and the response object for returning produced or transformed data. The only obvious exceptions are I/O plugins, for example export plugins that save the exported data as new files.

The @argdown/node package provides a subclass called AsyncArgdownApplication which adds a AsyncArgdownApplication.runAsync method to this class. This can be used to support Promises and async/await in I/O operations. The app.runAsync method works exactly like the app.run method except that it tries to call await plugin.runAsyc(...); before calling any plugin.run(...); methods.


import {
} from "@argdown/core";

const app = new ArgdownApplication();

const parserPlugin = new ParserPlugin();
app.addPlugin(parserPlugin, "parse-input");

const modelPlugin = new ModelPlugin();
app.addPlugin(modelPlugin, "build-model");

const colorPlugin = new ColorPlugin();
app.addPlugin(colorPlugin, "build-model");

const htmlExportPlugin = new HtmlExportPlugin();
app.addPlugin(htmlExportPlugin, "export-html");

const input = `
# My first Argdown document

[S1]: a statement
   - [A1]: an argument
const request:IArgdownRequest = {
 process: ["parse-input", "build-model", "export-html"],
 logLevel: "verbose"
const response:IHtmlResponse = app.run(request);


  • ArgdownApplication






defaultLogger: IArgdownLogger = ...


defaultProcesses: {} = {}

Type declaration

  • [name: string]: string[]



processors: {} = {}

Type declaration



  • Adds a plugin to the application. Registers any tokenListeners or ruleListeners with the ArgdownTreeWalker event emitter.


    • plugin: IArgdownPlugin
    • Optional processorId: string

      if processorId is undefined, the plugin will be added to the "default" processor

    Returns void




  • Removes a plugin from the application. Removes all tokenListeners and ruleListeners from the ArgdownTreeWalker event emitter.


    Returns void


  • removeProcessor(processorId: string): void
  • Remove a processor and all its plugins from an application.


    • processorId: string

    Returns void


  • replacePlugin(oldPluginId: string, newPlugin: IArgdownPlugin, processorId?: string): void
  • Replaces a plugin within a processor, keeping the original plugin execution order within the processor


    • oldPluginId: string

      the id of the plugin that should be removed

    • newPlugin: IArgdownPlugin

      the new plugin that should be added

    • Optional processorId: string

      the processor to which the plugin should be added (if undefined, the default processor is used)

    Returns void


  • Execute a chain of processors


    • request: IArgdownRequest

      Use request.process to define the list of processors to run. Use request.input to add ArgdownSourceCode to be processed.

    • Optional response: IArgdownResponse

      Can be optionally used to start with a response from a previous run. Use this if you want to avoid to run processors again that have already done their work.

    Returns IArgdownResponse

    the transformed response object after all plugins have added their data.

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